Saturday, May 8, 2010

Crepés with bananas, bluberries and honeycomb butter

Well today is mother days, so I got up and made my mum (and the rest of my family!) crepés filled with honeycomb butter and topped with caramalised bananas and blueberries. The honeycomb butter is divine, so yummy, especially when its all melted and spills out of the sides of the crepes. Nothing really beats pancakes on a sunday morning! 8/10


  1. You are a special gift kate amazing your family is so lucky to have you cook awsum yummy things fotr them. I'd be so fat if i lived in your house hehe

  2. amazing u should make little cupcakes or something and bring them to uni.. also i need ideas im making tom a cake for his bday help!!

  3. wow, these look amazing! How do you make the honeycomb butter? Feel free to check out my blog -

  4. Thanks guys, they really were delicious!
    Sam, the honeycomb butter is a Bill Granger recipe-

    I have also made the hotcakes featured in his recipe however I personally prefer crepes. Just slice up the butter, place 1-2 slices in the crepe once cooked and wrap it up- its delicious! Makes an easy dessert too just with some sliced up strawberries and ice cream/cream
